We are pleased to welcome Ghootae Kim to the lab after completing his Ph. D. at Princeton!
Potential Graduate Students
We are looking for graduate students for the 2017 school year. If you are interested in UO’s program you can get more information here.
New Graduate Student!
Maxwell Drascher is a new graduate student at the UO and has joined the Kuhl lab. Welcome Max!
Lab Trip
The lab went rafting on the McKenzie River!
Best of luck Rosie!
The lab says goodbye to our lab manager Rosie Samide and wishes her the best of luck at Boston College!
Welcome Sarah!
We welcome our new lab manager Sarah Sweigart after graduating from the University of Delaware
Recent press
Kuhl discusses face reconstruction with Vox Science and Health:
The Washington Post covers Lee and Kuhl’s face reconstruction paper:
Lee and Kuhl’s face reconstruction paper discussed on Neuroskeptic blog:
Prospective students
We are looking to admit graduate students for Fall 2016! More info here: http://psychology.uoregon.edu/graduate/
Welcome Nicole!
Nicole Long has joined the lab after completing her Ph.D. at U Penn
We’ve moved
The Kuhl Lab has moved from NYU to the University of Oregon!